Identity Verification

1 min. readlast update: 07.19.2024

Let's figure out on how to verify your identity at Onedun!


What documents for identity verification we accept?
  • Passport;
  • ID Card;
  • Driving license;
Requirements for the document:
  • Provide us with a photo of your document (scans are not accepted);
  • Upload front and back side of your document (upload 2 photos separately);
  • Be sure that all four corners are visible, nothing is edited;
  • Be sure that quality of photo is good, document is visible and readable;
  • We accept only NOT EXPIRED documents;
How to upload a document?
  1. Log in to your account;
  2. Choose "Account" menu on the side bar;
  3. Go to "Profile" section;
  4. Click on "Verification"
  5. Upload the documents to the required section;

Or just follow this link.

*If you have any questions or need clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to our qualified support team, who will assist you in understanding your concerns. You can contact our support team via email -, or via live chat.


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